Try Aperture v5!
Three English male businessmen in grey pinstripe double breasted suit
Pink striped ties, standing in a college yard
A young muscled British sportsman in light grey pinstripe suit and tie
Three young blonde businessmen in light grey vested suit and pink striped tie
Turning back, hands in pocketts
Two young blonde male executives in light grey pinstripe vested suit and peach tie
Flirting on a velvet couch
A blonde male banker
Light grey pinstripe vested suit, peach tie, pompadour haircut, ...
Two young muscled Italian sportsmen in light grey pinstripe suit
Red tie, blonde brushed hair, checking pockets in a construction...
Two young Swedish gentlemen in light grey pinstripe suit
Pale pink tie, suspiciously staring
A blonde muscled German sportsman in light grey pinstripe vested suit
Club tie, blue eyes, Pompadour haircut, crouching before reverse...
Two young blonde male businessmen in light grey pinstripe suit seating on a milestone