Try Aperture v5!
Two blonde male models
In satin cream suit, open white shirt, kissing in the waves
A blonde gentleman in navy pinstripe double breasted suit
Club tie, followed and kissed by his boyfriend
Two muscled gangsters in dark grey vested suit
Striped tie, short blonde hair, blue eyes, golden watch, embraci...
Two blonde muscled Italian male sportsmen in light grey pinstripe vested suit
Blue eyes, kissing
Back side
Two young blonde male aristocrats, in satin light grey pinstripe...
Two young muscled male sportsmen in navy suit and tie
Brushed hair, blue eyes, kissing before a sport car
Two young blonde businessmen in pinstripe light grey double breasted suit
Kissing in a hotel room
Two young Italian male lawyers in navy pinstripe vested suit
Blue eyes, golden watch, kissing in a garden
An Italian male CEO in light grey pinstripe suit kissing a muscular blonde male salesman in satin pe...
In satin cream suit, open white shirt, kissing on the beach