Try Aperture v5!
Capture Sadhguru in a dynamic pose
Emphasizing his tireless spirit! Use bold numbers '20/7/365' pro...
Mahatma Gandhi
Speaking to his people in India, next to the Ganges River
Sikh khalsa praying
Folded hands,closed eye,in the flowers
Gursikh man green turban white kurta
Without wearing any onaments,no mark on forehead, sitting chanti...
A poor indian famer working in fields
Gursikh man closed eye
Green turban white kurta,without wearing any onaments,no mark on...
A 60 year old indian man with turban holding pillows in his hand
Staring intensely into camera. Full upper body shown. Bright. Su...
A 60 year old indian man with turban sitting down
Arms crossed, staring intensely into camera. Full upper body sho...