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Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika adalah salah satu momen paling penting dalam sejarah negara ini. Berik...
Ketegangan antara koloni-koloni Amerika di bawah pemerintahan In...
George Washington was facing British war generals while leading the United States' revolutionary war
A snake is dressed up like Alexander Hamilton
George Washington when facing British war leaders while leading the United States' revolutionary war
Replace one of the persons with Robespierre
The French revolutionist
George Washington celebrating his victory as the first president of the United States with his peopl...
George Washington first president of the United States
Predisent Andrew Jackson bullet wounds scars on his torso and arms
George Washington in revolutionary war attire
Impressionist, colorful
A painting of George Washington dressed. halloween
Spooky, scary, haunted, dark room, skeleton autumn, eerie