Try Aperture v5!
Jeff Bezos in board room speech
In a heavenly setting
A warm atmosphere reigns around a crackling fireplace, gently il...
A professor sitting in front of us speaking at us and face front
In his office, high definition, 8k, realistic
De 50 años, pelo entrecano, con barba cerrada y recortada, ojos ...
Front image of a business consultant in his forties
With salt and pepper hair, in a workspace, Wolf of Wall Street s...
Dignified gentleman that wears glasses resting gently on his nose- white hair
Closely clipped beard- telling his stories about art-
Front image of a business consultant in his fifties
With a reassuring face, wearing glasses and dressed in a smart 3...
The modern author
A man in his late fifties, in a shirt and tie, seated at an open...
Jean Marie Le Pen en djelaba
A personal portrait of well dressed executive principal leading a training session
Cinematic, professional photoshoot