Try Aperture v5!
Two young Italian male lawyers in navy vested suit
Blue eyes, blonde brushed hair, seating in a garden
Two blonde gentlemen in pale blue pinstripe vested suit and tie
Making a statement
Two young muscled Italian sportsmen in light beige suit
Golden tie, blonde brushed hair, driving a sport car
Two young blonde male lawyers in pinstripe double breasted suit chatting
A young Italian businessman in light grey pinstripe suit
Club tie, meeting a muscled worker in a construction site
Two young blonde Italian gentlemen in grey pinstripe double breasted suit
Club tie, blue eyes, seating in a garden
Two young businessmen in light cotton suit
Open shirt, talking on a bench in a park
Two Oxford male preppy professors in pale yellow suit
Brown tie, blonde brushed hair, seating in a College yard
Two young blonde muscled male mafiosi in navy pinstripe suit and tie
Embracing by a swimming pool
Two young blonde male gentlemen in light beige pinstripe suit seating under sunshine
Playing tric-trac in a park