Try Aperture v5!
Two blonde gentlemen in cream suit
Burgundy tie, drinking brandy by the sea shore, Leyendecker styl...
Two blonde male gentlemen in light grey vested suit and tie
On a sopha, awaking from a nap, Leyendecker style
A blonde male sportsman in light grey vested suit
Club tie, tapping his boyfriend's shoulder, in a horse race, Ley...
Two blonde gentlemen in navy pinstripe vested suit
Red tie, seating on a couch, Leyendecker style
Two blonde gentlemen in white vested suit
Blue eyes, pink tie, light suede shoes, lying for a nap on a vel...
Two blonde gentlemen in white suit
Golden tie, long hair, visting an art museum, Leyendecker style
A blonde businessman in light grey vested suit
Club tie, putting a finger on his boyfriend's lips to silence hi...
A blonde muscled gentleman in white vested suit
Burgundy tie, tapping his boyfriend's shoulders, from behind, Le...
Two blonde muscled sportsmen in light grey vested suit
Silver tie, in a work out room, Leyendecker style
Two blonde gentlemen in peach suit lying on a Persian carpet
Leyendecker style