The pose from the movie titanic (1997) has become legendary and romantic thanks to the famous scene when the main characters jack dawson and rose dewitt stand on the bow of the ship, looking into the distance, arms outstretched towards each other like birds in flight. this pose is known as the "titanic pose" and has become a symbol of the incredible love and freedom that the characters in this film experience. to create this pose, follow these steps stand in an open space or on a high place to simulate standing on the bow of a ship. place one foot slightly in front of the other to create a dynamic pose. raise your arms up and forward, as if stretching them towards the horizon, as if you are ready to face a new day or adventure. look into the distance, fixing your gaze on some distant point, as if you are seeing your future. this pose can convey romance, freedom and a sense of traveling to unknown places. clothes in the style of those years