Color photo of a minimalistic logo in red, black, and white, representing trust and welcome. the logo features a clean and bold design, with a combination of geometric shapes and lines. the red color symbolizes energy and passion, while the black portrays sophistication and elegance, and the white represents purity and openness. the logo is carefully crafted to convey a sense of trust and reliability, with its simplicity evoking a modern and timeless aesthetic. the camera used is a canon eos r, paired with a 35mm lens. the composition is well-balanced, with the logo centered and prominently displayed. the lighting is soft and even, accentuating the clean lines and precise details of the logo. the overall atmosphere is calm and inviting, reflecting the welcoming nature of the brand. the resulting image is a captivating representation of a simple yet meaningful logo that inspires trust and captures the essence of trade automobile's values.