Beware the ominous presence of the harbinger of woe, a towering figure shrouded in black robes, known by many names across the world. her inky garment exudes an aura of despair that swallows any light in its path. the reach of her long, spindly arms is beyond measure, and her skeletal fingers bear sharp, black claws that chill the soul. her face remains hidden, veiled by her hood, but her chest bears strange glyphs and symbols that writhe with an unsettling energy. legends whisper of an ancient sorceress, who, in her insatiable thirst for power, struck a pact with malevolent forces that lurk in the shadows. those who ventured too close to her chest were forever changed, their minds and bodies warped by the dark magic within. the mere touch of these creatures is said to leave one blinded, in a vegetative state, broken, paralyzed, and speechless, in an unending agony of muted and vivid consciousness, until blessed death finally claims them (unreal engine, 32k)